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COFEST 9507 Car & Room Freshener
₹550 – ₹6,750Use COFEST 9507 in small and large cars, heavy goods vehicles, passenger cars (hatchbacks, sedans, SUVs), etc. If your room smells unpleasant, spray it close the door for an hour, and come back to an odorless and pleasant room. Shake well and use it on the top or side parts of your interior seats, dashboard, trunk lead room area, etc.
DRAIGRAB 0996 Drainage, Garbage & Any Bad Smell Remover
₹850 – ₹8,450We’ve all experienced the stench of clogged drains and garbage disposals. Getting rid of foul garbage odors, rather than hiding them, has always been a difficulty, whether it’s due to food, grease, bacteria, or other causes.
₹1,075 – ₹5,250FARMEXO 3116 Find the best plant growth promoters in India to boost your garden’s yield. Explore top natural solutions and expert recommendations for healthy plants. This product is eco-friendly, easy to use, and requires no additional training for application.
FOG MASSEY 0817 For Use Mosquito Control
₹1,475 – ₹3,675Fog Massey effectively repels mosquitoes in residential areas, corporate offices, or any other humid areas. The tried and proven formulation protects against other insects and prevents again deadly diseases such as Malaria, Chikungunya, Dengue, and more.
NOTE:- Use for only electric fogging machine& ULV fogging machine.
FUNGAL 0493 Fungal Bacteria Killer
₹550 – ₹6,250Fungal 0493 is a kind of product that can help protect crops or plants from fungal infection. It can naturally preserve plants and protect them from getting infected by fungi. It can be used for the prevention or control of possible diseases in agriculture. This product is useful in various fields.
ODOR TERMINATOR 1120 Animal Dead Body Odor Disposer
₹550 – ₹8,450Use it on animal dead bodies like dogs, cows, buffaloes, rodents, birds, and other animal dead bodies in forests, rural or urban areas. If an excessive foul smell is coming from the animal’s dead body then use ODOR TERMINATOR 1120 without dilution. It will clear 99.9% of bacteria and germs from the area. This product is perfect for veterinary hospitals, national highways, or city & village roads where animal dead bodies are frequently observed. Additionally, applying this liquid to any animal suffering from skin diseases can curb the infection.
REPELLENTO 1092 Repellent For Dog & Cat
₹550 – ₹1,575You can use REPELLENTO 1092 in any place, outside the house, or in the front yard or backyard if dogs and cats frequently visit your property and make a ruckus. By using this product, you can repel animals from your farm-thereby saving your crops/plantation, in your building factory, or corporate office you can repel dogs/cats from causing litter or any damage.
REPELLENTO 4793 Repellent For Snake, Snail & Rodent
₹650 – ₹6,250If rodents are destroying your crop, or snakes are frequently observed on your premises or farm, this product is the way to go! Snake bites can be deadly and if you encounter them now and then in your place, it calls for action. Whether you live on a farm, in a residential area, or an industrial township, this product will give you effective results.
SUZEXO 0889 Shoe Odor Disposer
₹550 – ₹6,750SUZEXO 0889 can be used in corporate offices, manufacturing plants, homes, or any place where more people interact or work together. For example, a group of workers at a facility inevitably have shoes that exude an unpleasant odor that can disrupt the ambiance.
WATERXO 3114 For Swimming Pool, Pond, Fisheries Industries
₹1,650 – ₹8,450As you know, water bodies such as fish industries, swimming pools, ponds, and non-working fountains slowly get contaminated by algae, bacteria, and other parasites that can spread harmful diseases.